Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why Do Temples Have Bells?

We all know that every Hindu temple is seen with a big bell at its entrance, which people ring before entering the inner sanctum where the main idol is placed. You will never find any Hindu temple without a bell. But, have you ever wondered why this bell is placed and what its significance is? Is it to wake up God or let him know that we have come? Or is it to seek permission from him to enter his zone? It can be neither of the two! God never sleeps; neither does he need to be told that we have come. Moreover, we don’t even need to seek permission as God is always welcoming. So then, what could be the reason?

It is believed that the sound of the bell keeps evil forces away. Its sound is considered as auspicious as it produces the sound of ‘Om’ – the universal name of God. This bell is not rung only when we enter the temple, but also during the aarti. During this ritual, the bell is accompanied by the auspicious sounds of conch and other instruments. These sounds help worshippers to concentrate in the aarti without being disturbed or distracted by irrelevant noises and happenings around. When rung in a rhythm, the bell’s sound helps the wandering and hyperactive mind of the devotees to focus solely on the deity and aarti. This ritual is generally performed during morning and evening in every temple. The bell’s significant sound spiritually boosts the devotee in the morning and relieves his stress in the evening. Moreover, the bell when rung before the aarti informs devotees to rush to perform the ritual at the temple. Even people, who are passing by the temple during that time, offer a slight bow and pranaam to the deity, irrespective of whether the deity is their Ishtadev or not.

If this reasoning seems to be too superstitious or irrelevant to you because you are a person who finds logic in everything you want to know, we also have scientific reasons for you to understand why the bell is a significant part of Hindu temples and prayers. Temple bells are not made of any metal whatsoever – they are made of a mixture of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium, manganese and chromium. These metals are scientifically mixed in specific proportions, in a way that when the bells are rung, they produce a distinct sound that creates unity of your left and right brain. These bells produce sharp and lasting sounds that echo for a minimum of seven seconds. These seven seconds of hum touch the seven healing centers or ‘chakras’ of your body, which results in emptying your brain of all thoughts and entering a sharp state of concentration. Thus, the bell works as a remedy for your wandering mind – to awake and prepare you for the prayer that profoundly connects you with God.

Whichever reasoning of the two you believe, you will definitely understand the significance of the bell in Hinduism. Equally important are the Pujas performed in Hindu culture. Whether it is a Puja related to the auspicious festivals we have throughout the year, or it is one related to solving your Kundli problems, or for a new personal or company event, performing rituals in the right way is very important to please deities and procure their blessings. This is where MakeMyPuja Pandits can help you with their experience, professionalism and devotion.

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