Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Celebrate The Pious Gayatri Jayanti With MakeMyPuja

Gayatri Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Goddess Gayatri – the Goddess of the Vedas. Goddess Gayatri is known by various names like Veda Mata, Dev Mata, and Vishwa Mata. She is worshipped as one of the goddesses of the Trimurti; and is considered as the mother of all Gods and embodiment of Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi, and Goddess Parvati. She is seen to have five heads – four considered to represent the four Vedas, and one symbolizing the Almighty. She has ten hands that bear the symbols of Lord Vishnu.

Gayatri Jayanti falls on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha during the Jyeshtha month as per the Hindu calendar, which is also the Ekadashi; and this year it is to fall on 5th June 2017. It is believed that Goddess Gayatri appeared in the form of knowledge on this day; the knowledge that was shared to the world by Sage Vishwamitra to contribute in removing ignorance. It is believed that the whole universe has benn originated by Goddess Gayatri, which is why Gayatri Jayanti is celebrated to cheer the expression of Aadi-shakti Gayatri. This day of worship is a community affair, where people from different walks of life gather to offer respect and devotion to the Goddess in the form of prayers. Special satsangs are arranged and bhajans are sung in the praise of the deity.

It is also believed that Sage Vishwamitra first uttered the Gayatri Mantra on this day, which is why devotees offer special prayers and Pujas to Gayatri Mata every year on Gayatri Jayanti by chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Such is the power and significance of the Gayatri Mantra that if one chants it, then no other mantras are needed to be chanted. This mantra inspires wisdom in the chanter, and purifies both the chanter and the listener.

Gayatri Mantra Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Na Prachodayaat.

Meaning – We meditate on the glory of the Creator, who has created the universe, who is worthy of worship, who is the embodiment of knowledge and light, who is the remover of sin and ignorance. May he open our hearts and enlighten our intellect.
To take advantage of the holy and auspicious day of Gayatri Jayanti this year and every year from now onwards, you can get in touch with MakeMyPuja Pandits who can help arrange for the most appropriate rituals that can help you in gaining spiritual energy and universal enlightenment with greater wisdom. You can also reduce the effect of bad karma and facilitate good karma into your lives with the help of the Gayatri Puja.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Significance of Ganga Dussehra

The River Ganga is considered as the holiest and most sacred river by Hindus all across the globe. Ganga Dussehra signifies the descent of this holy river on Earth, which is celebrated every year on the 10th day of Shukla Paksha in the Jyeshtha month as per the Hindu calendar. This year, this auspicious day is to fall on 3rd June 2017. The day is also known as Ganga Avataran, meaning the arrival of Ganga. Before descending to Earth from Heaven, it is believed that Ganga resided in Lord Brahma’s stoup. When the river poured out of this stoup, she brought along with her the purity of Heaven. This is why every year she is worshipped and honoured on Ganga Dussehra.

It is believed that it was due to the meditation of King Bhagirath that the river was compelled to flow down to the Earth. The king meditated for years together to convince the River Ganga to come to Earth to cleanse away his sins and pardon the cursed souls of his ancestors. The day when the River Ganga incarnated on Earth beared a unique combination of ten distinct astrological Vedic calculations, namely Jyeshtha month, Shukla Paksha, tenth date, Wednesday, Moon in Virgo, Sun in Taurus, Hasta Nakshatra, Gar Anand Yog, and Vyatipata Yog. This is why it is believed that taking a bath in the River Ganga on Ganga Dussehra can help one get rid of all sins.

Various rites and rituals are performed on this day at the banks of the River Ganga to commemorate her. The festival of Ganga Dussehra is celebrated with lots of enthusiasm across religious cities and towns that are located near the river. People flock to major Ghats of India like Garhmukteshwar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Allahabad, Prayag, and Varanasi to take a dip in the holy river and get rid of their past sins. The celebration at Varanasi is the most majestic one with thousands of devotees performing the Ganga Snaan, and the Ganga Aarti being performed by priests at the Dasawamedh Ghat.

For those who cannot fly to these places on this auspicious day, you can offer Puja at home as well by bathing the idol of River Ganga with holy water, dressing her in white clothes, and adorning her with a lotus. Lord Shiva is also worshipped as it is he who tied the River Ganga in his hair to control her stream and avoid destruction on Earth. For any kind of custom Pujas you wish to conduct at home, you can get in touch with MakeMyPuja Pandits who can help arrange the most appropriate Pujas for you by performing the required rituals in the right manner.

The significance of ‘Ten’
The name Dussehra comes from ‘Dus’ meaning ten and ‘Hara’ meaning defeat. Therefore, Ganga Dussehra can help defeat 10 worst sins if you take a dip in the holy water of River Ganga on this day. These sins include violence, rude language, lying, complaining, harming others, occupying other’s assets, fetching forcibly from others, contact with another woman, irrelevant rambling, and inappropriate discussions. In fact, the mantras that are chanted during Ganga Pujan are done in counts of ten. Donations are also done in counts of ten.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Book Your Annaprashana Date With MakeMyPuja

We all know how newborns must be taken care of with utmost caution and attention, especially during the first 8-10 months. They must be safeguarded against any kind of infection, which is why they are fed on only mother’s milk for the first few months, which is considered the healthiest food for them.

Every child has to undergo a few rites and rituals as per the beliefs and customs of the religion the family belongs to. Of these rites, ‘Annaprashana’ is one of the most important ceremonies. One of the most significant moments in a baby’s life is when he or she transitions from liquids to solid food. Believing it to be a grand affair, this phase of the start of having solid food is widely celebrated across the Hindu community in a ceremony called ‘Annaprashana’. Regarded as one of the most important rituals, the Sanskrit word ‘Annaprashana’ means eating food (‘Anna’ meaning food and ‘prashana’ meaning eating). Because it is the first time a child consumes solid food, it is considered a very joyous affair by the entire family, relatives, and friends. This ceremony is majorly seen in the Bengali and Malayali communities, and is usually arranged in consultation with a priest, who arranges an auspicious date to conduct it. You can approach MakeMyPuja Pandits to arrange for the most religiously and appropriately conducted Annaprashana for your baby.

The ceremony of Annaprashana dates back to the Vedic period, and is believed to be of Indo-Iranian origin. Therefore, this ceremonial feeding is found in both Indian and Parsi cultures. As per the ritual, the ceremony is usually carried out when the child is 6 to 8 months old – with odd months for girls, and even months for boys. This is when the teeth have begun to appear, symbolizing that the baby is now ready to digest small amounts of solid food. In this ceremony, the child is weaned away from the mother, and is made to eat solid food that acts as a substitute for the mother’s milk. It could be boiled rice of rice kheer, which is first offered to the Gods and then fed to the child by the maternal uncle or grandfather. The Gods are invoked and offered the food to seek blessings for the child so that all his senses are gratified, and he can live a happy contented life. People pray to God for the health, longevity, and prosperity of the child before giving him food. After the maternal uncle or grandfather gives the child some food, other members also join in the ceremony to feed the child and shower blessings upon him. Also, the priest performs a Puja or Havan for a healthy and auspicious start of the child’s new phase.

This ceremony cannot be held before the child completes 4-5 months as he is not capable to digest food until then. Also, it cannot be conducted after 1 year because by the 9th or 10th month, the mother’s milk may have diminished causing the mother’s body to take up some amount of weakness. Therefore, the best time range for this ceremony is between the 6th and 8th month so that both the child and mother can remain healthy, and adapt to the new phase of feeding. However, if the child is week, the ceremony can be postponed up till the 10th month, but not later than that.

So, consult your doctor to understand which would be the best time for having your child to start consuming solid food, and get in touch with a priest to let you know the most auspicious date for your child’s Annaprashana. Whatever it is, don’t delay this ceremony for after completion of your child’s first year.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Significance Of Shani Jayanti

Shani Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Shani, one of the most feared Gods in Hinduism. He was born to Lord Surya and Goddess Chhaya; and this day is celebrated every year on the Amavasya of the Jyeshtha month. Lord Shani is the ruler of planet Saturn and weekday Saturday.
Lord Shani is worshipped as one of the Navgrahas – the nine celestial planet bodies. This particular celestial body is believed to have a heavy influence on people. This is why Lord Shani is revered for protection against evil and removal of all kinds of ill-effects of the planet from one’s horoscope. In Vedic astrology, the placement of all the nine planets in one’s horoscope is rendered the most important to decide upon the success and failures in life. And with this study, it is believed that the miseries and suffering in life are caused by a major effect of Lord Shani’s disapproval and annoyance. One of the biggest ill-effects one can have in his life because of Lord Shani is the Saade-Saati, wherein people face hindrances in happiness, peace, and growth; and keep facing challenges and hardships in one form or the other for a continuous period of seven and a half years! Various Pujas and remedies are offered during this period to gain relief from such ill-effects.

However, Lord Shani is not only an entirely negative planet. In fact, he is also believed to gradually bring good luck if one is consistent with their hard work and discipline. Every person – no matter how rich or poor, educated or illiterate – stands at the same level in the eyes of Lord Shani. If you have committed sins, you will have to suffer and pay for them. But, the Lord also rewards and bestows his blessings on those who work hard and continue to keep trying. This is because Lord Shani is a strict disciplinarian, and is pleased by continuous efforts, regular hard work, and consistent discipline. So, even though Shani is always considered as a negative planet, he is indeed a fair judge who blesses or curses a person depending upon his deeds. Therefore, if Saturn is unfavourably positioned in one’s horoscope, the person may suffer and have to face hardships. But on the other hand, a powerfully placed Saturn makes the person composed, skillful, organized, firm, and clever.
Hindus from all communities worship and revere Lord Shani to avoid negative influences of the planet Saturn in their horoscope. Although worshippers visit Shanidev temples every Saturday and offer him oil and black sesame seeds, the day of Surya Jayanti is the most sought after by Shanidev devotees. They visit Shanidev temples and offer Puja, oil, sesame seeds, and black clothes. They pray to him for blessings, protection against evil, and removal of obstacles from their personal and professional lives. Shani Jayanti is a very appropriate day to perform a Havan, Yagya, or Homam to appease Lord Shani. Shani Shanti Puja and Shani Telabhishekam are the most important ceremonies performed during this day. One of the most visited temples on this day is the Shani Shingnapur Shaneshwara Mandir situated in Maharashtra.

With Shani Jayanti falling on 25th May this year, you can also worship the Lord to lessen the effects of Shani Dosha from your horoscope. For other dosha like Mangal dosha or Rahu-Ketu dosha in your horoscope, you can ask MakeMyPuja Pandits to help you with the most appropriate Pujas and rituals so that you can free yourself from the ill-effects of these planets too, and lead a peaceful and happy life in the future.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Significance Of Apara Ekadashi

‘Ekadashi’ in Sanskrit means “eleven”. Therefore, the eleventh day of every month in the Hindu calendar is referred to as Ekadashi. Every Hindu month is split into Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight) and Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight), which is why Ekadashi falls twice in every month; thus making it 24 Ekadashis every year. These Ekadashis are of very high importance for Hindus. Out of all the 24, it is Apara Ekadashi, falling in the second half of the Jeshtha month, that holds the greatest significance. The word ‘apar’ in Hindi implies “limitless”, thus it is believed that one who fasts on this day achieves limitless benefits. Apart from unlimited benefits, one who fasts on this day is also freed of all his sins and attains moksha. This is why this Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious by Hindus across the globe. Apara Ekadashi is known by various names like Achala Ekadashi, Badhrakali Ekadashi, Vaishaka Vadi Ekadashi, and Jalkrida Ekadashi across different states of India.

Legends associated with Apara Ekadashi
During the Treta Yug, there was a king named Bali who was highly victorious in all his battles. Due to his immense success and power, he started turning arrogant. His arrogance soared to such great heights that he forced Lord Indra to abandon Heaven. Lord Indra approached Lord Vishnu, pleading for help, who then took the avatar of Lord Vamana and disguised himself as a Brahmin to confront King Bali. He requested King Bali for three paces of land. Upon consent, Lord Vamana enlarged his feet to gigantic proportions and took all of the Heaven, Earth, and Netherworld under his feet. King Bali realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.
Another legend depicts the time when King Yudhishtira had lost all his titles and riches in a game, and was facing grave humiliation. He then sought guidance from Lord Krishna who asked him to observe fast on Apara Ekadashi so that he would be blessed with profound fame and riches, along with being freed from his past misdoings and attaining moksha. Since then, the Apara Ekadashi fast is being observed by Hindus who believe in Karma and reincarnation of souls.

Rituals of Apara Ekadashi
People observe fast during Apara Ekadashi – some abstain from grains and beans, while others consume only milk and fruits. Then there are others who observe total fasting wherein they consume neither food nor water for the entire day. Devotees offer Puja or Yagna, and pray to Lord Vishnu on this day. The fast is broken the next day after sunrise.

As per Hindu scriptures, it is said that observing fast on this sacred day is equivalent to taking a bath in the holy River Ganga during the auspicious month of Kartik. It is also equivalent to the holy actions of donating cows. Therefore, Apara Ekadashi fast is the path of removing darkness of one’s sins from his life. Falling on 22nd of May this year, it is recommended that you too observe this fast to attain fame, wealth, success, and moksha. However, if fasting is not your cup of tea, another alternative is worshipping Lord Vishnu by performing a Satyanarayan Katha with the assistance of MakeMyPuja Pandits, as Satyanarayan is also one great form of Lord Vishnu.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What Is The Significance Of Ekadashi Fast

In Sanskrit, the word ‘Ekadashi’ refers to the number 11. This is why the 11th day of every month in the Hindu calendar is referred to as Ekadashi. Because the Hindu months are split into Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha, meaning the bright fortnight and dark fortnight respectively, Ekadashi falls twice in every Hindu month. This makes one Hindu year having 24 Ekadashis in all. These Ekadashis are of utmost importance for the Hindus, especially those who believe in and worship Lord Vishnu. They consider this day as auspicious and observe fast.

Why do people observe fast on Ekadashi?
As per Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu had created a demon known as ‘Paap Purush’ when the world was being manifested, to personify all types of sins. He was created to punish all those who would avert from the path of virtue and justice to the path of evil and sin. Lord Vishnu also created the Yamlok where all those who sinned would spend their after-life in, and apologize. Along with this, the Lord also created Ekadashi as a path to salvation. He announced that those who would perform the Ekadashi fast would be cleansed of their sins and attain moksha.

What is the scientific benefit of the Ekadashi fast?
For those who are always looking for scientific reasons to do everything, here is some good news. The Ekadashi fast also has scientific benefits for the body. It is believed that the nutrition from our food takes about 3 to 4 days to be absorbed by the body completely. Taking into account the gravitational force of the moon and the constant change in its orbital path, it has been proved that by eating light on Ekadashi, its effect lasts till new moon or full moon day, when the pressure due to orbital changes of the moon is at its peak. Therefore, fasting on Ekadashi also safeguards our body.

How to perform the Ekadashi fast?
Just like in any other fast, food, grains, and cereals are avoided in the Ekadashi fast too. However, while some people consume food only once a day, there are others who avoid food altogether. Few devotees also observe Nirjala Fast that includes avoiding food and water completely. Devotees wholeheartedly pray to Lord Vishnu on this day to seek blessings and get rid of past sins.

If you are one who cannot observe fast, but are still seeking the blessings of Lord Vishnu to help get rid of sins, you can perform the Satyanarayan Puja on any or every Purnima with the help of MakeMyPuja Pujaris to pay gratitude to the Lord for giving you all the happiness and success that you have accomplished till date.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Narad Jayanti – The Importance and Rituals

Narad Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Devrishi Narad Muni, one of the prominent saints whose name has been mentioned in the Puranas. The name Narad evolves from the Sanskrit word ‘Nara’ meaning Man. He is one of the Prajapatis and also one of the greatest seven rishis. As per the Vedic Puranas and Hindu mythologies, in the earlier times or Yugs, Devrishi Narad was the divine universal messenger and primary source of information for gods of all the three Loks – Swarglok (Heaven), Patallok (Underworld), and Bhulok (Earth). He constantly travelled the universe to communicate information from one Lok to another.

Narad Muni, known for his wisdom and mischief, was dressed in the garb of a saint with a veena in one hand and kirpan in another, who was always seen to be singing the praises of Lord Vishnu. He was always seen chanting ‘Narayan, Narayan’ while greeting anyone, which is another name of Lord Vishnu. Narad Jayanti is observed each year on the Pratipada Tithi during Krishna Paksha of the Jyeshtha month of the Hindu calendar. This means that it falls on the day after Purnima, which means this year it falls on 11th May 2017. This day is also celebrated as ‘Patrakar Diwas’ in the publication and media houses across the country owing to Narad Muni’s nature of communicating information to others, which is why he is also known as the first journalist of the world. In fact, many media houses also conduct elaborate Pujas to attain blessings of the Sage. Musicians across the country also worship Narad Muni on this day as he is considered as the inventor of musical instruments like the veena that he held. Moreover, he is also considered the chief of ‘Gandharvas’ – the heavenly musicians.

Devotees on this day observe fast to pay homage and respect to the esteemed Narad Muni, and also feed priests and sages. Intellectual meetings, seminars, and prayers are held at various organizations on this day. People also worship Lord Vishnu in order to seek the blessings of the sage because Narad Muni was a true and ardent devotee and worshipper of Lord Vishnu. This is why Narad Jayanti is observed majestically in the temples of Lord Vishnu, where special discourses and Pujas are offered. Devotees here read religious texts and prayers of the Supreme Lord, symbolizing their devotion to Him. You can also have a Puja conducted at your home and office to seek the blessings of both Lord Vishnu and Narad Muni. You can seek assistance of MakeMyPuja Pandits to perform a Satyanarayan Katha as Satyanarayan is also one of the most important avatars of Lord Vishnu.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Narasimha Jayanti – The Day When Lord Vishnu Reincarnated Again

Narasimha Jayanti is the day when Lord Vishnu reincarnated himself as Lord Narasimha, the half-lion half-man representation, who appeared to protect his devotee Prahlad from his merciless father Hiranyakashyap. This pious and festive day is celebrated on the 14th day of Shukla Paksha of the Vaishakha month of the Hindu calendar, and it falls on 9th May this year.

The legend behind Narasimha Jayanti
King Hiranyakashyap had received a special boon from Lord Brahma that he could not be killed by any human being or animal, by any kind of weapon, neither during day nor night, and neither indoors nor outdoors. After receiving this boon, he became very cruel and considered himself as Supreme, and forced every person in his kingdom to worship him. However, in spite of everything, his son Prahlad worshipped only Lord Vishnu. Angered, Hiranyakashyap decided to get his son killed. Even after his many attempts to do so, Prahlad was saved by his unwavering faith in Lord Vishnu every single time. Finally, on the 14th day of Shukla Paksha, Lord Vishnu came in the form of Narasimha to kill Hiranyakashyap. He appeared as half-man half-lion and killed him with his lion-like nails at dusk, sitting on the edge of the palace’s door, thus satisfying all the conditions of the boon.

Rituals performed on Narasimha Jayanti
Since Lord Narasimha appeared at dusk, devotees pray to him every year on Narasimha Jayanti in the evening. They take Sankalp during the afternoon and perform Lord Narasimha Pujan during Sandhyakaal before sunset. They also observe the Narasimha Jayanti Vratam, which is a fast similar to the rules and guidelines of Ekadashi fast. The devotees consume food only once a day and abstain from any kinds of cereals and grains for the entire day. This fast is broken the next day after sunrise by offering ‘Daan’ to Brahmins.

Nine forms of Lord Narasimha
Lord Narasimha is depicted in nine ferocious forms in Hindu scriptures and Puranas. All these nine forms are explained below.

Sri Jwala Narasimha – This is the form in which Lord Narasimha killed Hiranyakashyap. Worshipping this form can help attain success in all endevours.

Sri Ugra Narasimha – Worshipping this form of Lord Narasimha can help in developing business and winning over professional competition.

Sri Bhargava Narasimha – Worshipping this form of the Lord can help to gain leadership qualities, and attain political and administrative powers.

Sri Yoga Narasimha – As the name suggests, in this form Lord Narasimha taught Prahlad the Yog to attain eternal bliss. So, worshipping him in this form can help to attain peace, harmony, and eternal bliss.

Sri Malola Narasimha – This form of the Lord is worshipped to gain blessings for the family and to eliminate relationship problems. Also, debts can be removed by seeking blessings from Sri Malola Narasimha.

Sri Krodha Narasimha – This form of the Lord can remove obstacles from life and ensure growth in career, especially pertaining to land and real estate.

Sri Pavana Narasimha – Worshipping this form of Lord Narasimha liberates one from sins committed in the past and present life, filling oneself with love and compassion.

Sri Chatravata Narasimha – One can gain proficiency and excel in arts, and can gain all kinds of comforts in life by worshipping this form.

Sri Karanja Narasimha – All sorts of desires can be fulfilled while achieving enlightenment, and protection from enemies can also be achieved by worshipping this form of Lord Narasimha.

Since Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day is also equally substantial. If you are a strong devotee of Lord Vishnu, you can also perform the Satyanarayan Katha on this day with the help of professionals like MakeMyPuja to offer gratitude and seek blessings of the Lord.

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Significance Of Sita Navami

Sita Navami is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Goddess Sita, who is believed to be the reincarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. She was born in the Treta Yug on the ninth day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishaka of the Hindu calendar. However, the Goddess is believed to have directly appeared from the Earth, who was found by King Janak of the kingdom of Mithila, while ploughing the field for performing a Yagna. When his plough got stuck up in the land, he unearthed the ground to find a golden casket with a baby girl in it. King Janak accepted the child as a divine gift from God and named her ‘Sita’ because a ploughed land is known as Sita in Hindi/Sankskrit. Another name that the Goddess is known by today is ‘Janaki’ as she was the daughter of King Janak.

The significance of the ‘Navami’ or ninth tithi in the Hindu mythology is supreme. Along with Goddess Sita, even her consort Lord Rama was born on the ninth tithi in the month of Chaitra of the Hindu calendar. As per the Hindu calendar, Sita Jayanti falls right after one month of Rama Navami. Since both Lord Rama and Goddess Sita were born on this supreme tithi, their marriage represents the union of two supreme souls, and they are looked upon as one of the most ideal matches made in Heaven. No matter how difficult their life was – whether in Vanvaas or during Sita’s abduction by Ravana – they always stayed loving and firm in their relationship. Another supreme couple in the Hindu mythology is believed to be Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This is why many couples sign up with MakeMyPuja to perform the Gauri Shankar Puja in order to remove all worries from their married life and lead a positive and secure relationship. In fact, it is believed that even Goddess Sita performed the Gauri Shankar Puja before marriage in order to have a husband like Lord Rama.

On Sita Navami, which falls on 4th May this year, married women fast for their husband’s long life and pray that they remain ‘Suhaagan’ all throughout their life. They offer Puja to Lord Rama and Goddess Sita by placing their idols in a small mandap decorated with flowers. They offer fruits, sweets, and Bhog, and pray to the couple for a happy married life. These celebrations are observed in an even more majestic manner in temples of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita where rituals of Maha-abhishek and Shringar Darshan are performed. Also, processions with idols of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman are carried out on chariots with devotees singing devotional songs and chanting ‘Jai Siya Ram’.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What is The Importance of Ganga Saptami

2nd May – the seventh day of Shukla Paksha in the year 2017 – is the auspicious day of Ganga Saptami. But, what is Ganga Saptami, why is it celebrated, and how? This blog will answer all your questions related to this important occasion.

What is Ganga Saptami?
Ganga Saptami is the day when the River Ganga was reborn on Earth! It is the day dedicated to the holy river, who is considered as ‘Goddess’ Ganga throughout the country. It is celebrated on the seventh day of Shukla Paksha of the Vaishakha month of the Hindu calendar.

What is the legend behind Ganga Saptami?
As per Hindu mythology, the River Ganga was to be descended on the Earth by Lord Brahma. However, the Lord said that the surge of the river would be so powerful that the entire Earth would be destroyed. It was then that the mighty Lord Shiva decided to lock the flowing river into his hair to break Ganga’s descent and save the Earth from destruction. But, Maharaj Bhagirath desired to bring the pious Ganga to the Earth to cleanse his ancestors’ souls, for which he did a tapasya for thousand years to please and convince Lord Shiva to let the river flow. Pleased, Lord Shiva released the River Ganga from his head. However, on her way, the river with her mighty flow and gushing turbulent water destroyed the Ashram of Sage Jahnu. Furious, the Sage drank up all the water of the river. Maharaj Bhagirath and the Gods prayed to the Sage to release Ganga so that she could accomplish the mission she had been sent to achieve. Pleased with the prayers, Sage Jahnu released her from his ear; and this day is thus known to be the rebirth of the River Ganga.

What rituals are performed on Ganga Saptami?
On Ganga Saptami, devotees worship Goddess Ganga and take bath in the river with the belief that it will rinse them of their past sins. People also offer Puja on the ghats and territories around the river. They perform the Ganga Puja with meditation and chant mantras asking for forgiveness for their sins and moksha for their late ancestors. Along with the Ganga Aarti, flower wreaths and diyas are released into the River Ganga. Because the flow of River Ganga was restricted to the Himalayas, but her tributaries broke out into various territories, the auspicious occasion of Ganga Saptami is celebrated with great pomp and joy in places where the river flows including Haridwar, Allahabad, Prayag, Varanasi, and Rishikesh. Devotees come from all across the nation to celebrate this occasion in such places. And those who cannot make it to any such places bathe by mixing the pious Gangajal into their water buckets.

For performing the right Pujas with the right rituals and methods, you can always rely on MakeMyPuja Pandits to help you arrange for all the requirements while also carrying out all the rituals in the most appropriate manner. So, for any kind of Puja you want to perform throughout the year for the best outcomes, remember MakeMyPuja!

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