Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ratha Saptami – Celebrating The Birthday Of The Sun God

‘Ratha Saptami’ means the ‘seventh day of the chariot’. The chariot here is that of Lord Surya, the Sun God. This day falls on the seventh day of the bright half of the moon – Shukla Paksha – in the month of Magha of the Hindu calendar. It marks the birthday of Lord Surya, born to the sage Kashyapa and Aditi, thus being celebrated as ‘Surya Jayanti’ too. It falls on 3rd February this year.

Ratha Saptami is symbolically represented in the form of Lord Surya turning his chariot towards the Northern hemisphere in a north-easterly direction. His chariot is driven by seven white horses that represent the seven days of the week, starting with Sunday – the day of Lord Surya. These horses are also believed to represent the seven colours of the rainbow (VIBGYOR). The chariot has 12 wheels representing the 12 astrological signs, with the wheels forming a complete year known as ‘Samvatsara’. At the beginning, the Sun is present in his own house – Leo. With every month, he keeps shifting to the different houses, thereby covering all the 12 signs in a year, affecting the natives astrologically. The sun’s movement also indicates the change in temperature across the country, making Ratha Saptami symbolic of changing from spring to the harvesting season. This event thus indicates harvest and the beginning of sowing for another great season.

How is Ratha Saptami celebrated?
This festival is celebrated with great exuberance in temples and local communities. All the Sun temples across India are grandly decorated, colourful rangolis are made, and the Sun God is worshipped with great zest. Special Pujas, Yagnas and Havans are performed in some temples. Huge processions are carried out in different regions and states. At home, you can offer a small Puja to Lord Surya by applying kumkum on the forehead of Lord Surya’s idol and offering him white flowers, milk, fruits and prasad.

Why should Lord Surya be worshipped?
Worshipping the Sun is deep rooted not only in the Vedas of the Hindu religion, but also in other countries like China, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Praying to Lord Surya helps to cleanse your mind, aids in mental and physical well-being, helps to overcome difficulties and make you victorious. Generally, people also worship Lord Surya in their daily routines through Surya Namaskara or Sandhya Vandana. But, praying to him on this special sacred day can help you achieve success in all your endeavours. It is believed that the thoughts that arise in the human mind are like the horses running in different directions. These horses should be bound and pulled in the right direction to make progress and lead to the path of spirituality and philosophy. This is why Lord Surya, with its seven horses, is worshipped.

What is the legend behind Ratha Saptami Puja?
There is a very well-known legend associated with this significant day. It is believed that the King of Kamboj Empire – King Yashovarma – did not have a son who could rule after him. After years of performing religious rituals and praying to the Almighty, he was blessed with a son. However, his child was fatally ill. Sage Kashyap advised King Yashovarma to have his son to perform Ratha Saptami Puja to get rid of all the ill-effects of his past sins so that he could better his health. After performing the ritual, the king’s son started recovering from his illness and was finally able to rule his kingdom for this entire lifetime.

For any kinds of Pujas you want to perform for your well-being, health, financial success and other benefits that you are not able to get your hands on yet, you can get in touch with MakeMyPuja Pandits to help you perform the most appropriate Puja based on the planetary alignments in your horoscope.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

All You Would Want To Know About Griha Pravesh Puja

Since there are lots of auspicious dates this year in the months of February and March for Griha Pravesh (the day when people can move into their new house), and many people believe in such auspicious dates, there would be many of you who may be planning to shift to your new home soon. This blog is to help you learn all about this Griha Pravesh Puja, how important it is, what traditions are followed, and what all you must consider.

Religion has always played a considerable role in the life of Hindus. Whatever religion they may follow, they believe in the associated rites and rituals. In every important phase of life, Hindus are seen to be worshipping or praying to God to shower upon them divine blessings. Same is the case when shifting to a new home. Buying a new house is considered a huge milestone in a person’s life. If you have been lucky enough to achieve this milestone, and you wish to convert your house into a home, you need to fill the house with peace, happiness and fortune. And for this, it is the Griha Pravesh Puja that can help.

Griha Pravesh Puja or the House Warming Ceremony is usually undertaken to ensure that the house remains free from all kinds of negativity. The blessings of Lord Ganesha are seeked by worshipping him, praying that he blesses the home with good fortune and protects it from evil energies. The main aim of this Puja is to purify the home and its surroundings from the evil effects of spirits and all forms of negativity. The Griha Pravesh Puja involves rituals like coconut breaking, sprinkling holy water with mango leaves in the entire house, and boiling milk on the gas stove. Conch shells are blown, camphors lamps are lit, and a yagna is performed so that the air, water and entire environment is purified.

However, it is very important that this Puja is done on an auspicious date and time. As per the Lunar calendar, dates like 4, 9 and 14, and Amavasya are considered inauspicious. Also, the purity of Panchang should be considered. Generally, one must move into the house only in Shubh, Laabh or Amrut chaugadiya. You can get in touch with MakeMyPuja Pandits who will help you learn about the most auspicious date for your housewarming ceremony and will also carry out the entire Puja promisingly and in the most appropriate manner.

There are many other things that you need to consider while performing a Griha Pravesh Puja. First of all, your doors and window spaces should be fitted with shutters, and the roof must be covered. Only after completing all the procedures should one shift into the new house. Moreover, the house should not be left empty for at least three days after the Puja is done. However, if not three days, then the owners must at least sleep in the house on the day when the Puja is performed. Also remember that if the lady of the house is pregnant, or a death has taken place in the family recently, you must not hold this Puja.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Story Of The Vaishno Devi Temple

“The old and natural cave of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Temple has opened for darshan since Monday 16th of January 2017 for the next few weeks.”

This news is being seen on all news channels since the past few days, and is the reason for joy for all the devotees who seek to attain Mata Rani’s blessings. Every year, this cave opens for a few weeks after Makar Sankranti when the number of pilgrims is relatively low. Devotees who have been waiting for this news desperately have started planning and booking their tickets for Jammu!

Although we all have heard about Mata Vaishno Devi, but how many of us know the story behind this temple? Amongst the 108 Shakti Peeths in India, this is one of the shrines dedicated to Goddess Parvati. In this avatar, she is seen riding on a tiger, and dressed in a bright red crimson saree with eight hands.

Going back to the Treta Yug, she was born in South India to Ratnakar Sagar as a girl named Trikuta. (Later, she was called Vaishno as she took birth from Lord Vishnu’s lineage.) When she grew a little older, she sought permission from her father to take to meditation on the seashore. At the seashore, she prayed to Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Rama. Meanwhile, searching for his wife Sita, Lord Rama reached the shore with his army, and his eyes fell on this divine girl in deep meditation. Lord Rama asked her name and why she was there. Trikuta told him that she had accepted him as her husband by heart and mind. On hearing this, Lord Rama told her that he has vowed to have only one wife. However, seeing her dedication and devotion, he told her that he will soon return in a disguised form, and if Trikuta could recognize him, he will accept her.

After liberating Sita and returning From Lanka, Lord Rama went to see Trikuta in the form of an old monk, but she did not recognize him, thus failing to be accepted by him. Lord Rama revealed his identity and assured her that he would manifest himself as ‘Kalki’ in Kalyug and marry her then. Meanwhile, he asked Trikuta to meditate in the Trikuta range of Manik Mountains in North India. He also declared that Trikuta would become immortal forever and would be worshipped as ‘Vaishno Devi’. He also gave her a bow and arrows, a small army of monkeys, and a lion for protection. Ever since, the temple of Mata Vaishno Devi is visited by people from all walks of life, men and women alike, to seek her blessings.

Mata Vaishno Devi is none other but the form of Goddess Parvati. If you wish to impress this great Shakti, you must pray to her along with her husband Lord Shiva. You can have the auspicious Gauri Shankar Puja done by MakeMyPuja Pandits if you are looking for a good husband, or if you wish to maintain and regain back positivity in your relationships.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Why and How to Celebrate Ganesh Jayanti?

Ganesh Jayanti, the birthday of Lord Ganesha, is known by different names across the country like Magha Shukla Chaturthi, Tilkund Chaturthi and Varad Chaturthi. It is celebrated on the fourth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Megha as per the Hindu calendar, and this year it falls on 31st of January. This festival is celebrated just like Ganesh Chaturthi that falls in the month of August/September every year. For celebrating a simple and convenient Ganesh Jayanti, you can get in touch with MakeMyPuja to help you arrange for the most professional, experienced and devoted Pandits who can help you have the most promising and fortunate Ganpati Puja.

On this festival, an idol of Lord Ganesha is brought home to be worshipped, which is then immersed in water on the fourth day after the festival. Prasad made of sesame seeds is made and is offered to Lord Ganesha, which is then distributed among the devotees. Many people observe fast on this day, believing that it will bring upon name and fame in their lives. Devotees also smear a paste of sesame on their body and then take bath with water mixed with sesame seeds. Couples generally worship Lord Ganesha on this auspicious day to beget a son.

How to celebrate an eco-friendly Ganesh Jayanti?

If you want to celebrate this festival too, you are advised to do so in an eco-friendly way so as not to harm the environment and Mother Nature. For this, there are many tips that can be followed.
·        You can use eco-friendly idols made of natural materials like paper, sand and unbaked clay, that can dissolve away when immersed in water. Moreover, you must opt for small idols that require lesser effort and time to dissolve in water.
·        You must opt for idols that are coloured with vegetable dyes, organic materials, or kumkum and haldi. Avoid those painted with synthetic paints as these colours are pigmented with lead or mercury that are hazardous to both human and aquatic life.
·        You can decorate your mandap with ‘green’ options like paper, flowers, leaves and vines. Use products that can be recycled or left safe into the water without harming the aquatic life.

Why is the idol of Lord Ganesh immersed in water?
The process of immersing the idol of the deity in water is known as ‘Visarjan’ which is a Sanskrit word for the act of respectfully requesting departure. The whole essence of Ganpati Visarjan is based on the philosophy that when the idol is immersed in water, all the components that are used to make the idol dissolve away in the water. The clay goes back to where it came from, and the flowers, leaves and turmeric serve as food for the aquatic life. However, with the increasing use of hazardous chemical substances for idols and decorations, this whole essence is lost, and the aquatic life is left to suffer. So, it is always advised to use eco-friendly idols, colours and decorations for celebrating this festival.

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why Do We Worship The Sun God On Sundays?

In Hindu mythology, the Sun is considered as one of the most important deities of the Vedas and the soul of the Universe. It is not only the Sun for the Hindus; they depict him as the Sun God or Lord Surya. It is believed that the brightness of the Sun provides knowledge, vision, direction, and power to work. As per ancient Hindu scriptures, worshipping Lord Surya leads to many miraculous benefits. Different people worship the Sun in different ways to receive different kinds of benefits.

People in the agricultural community
Those related with agricultural communities place him amongst the highest of the Hindu Gods and worship him for granting them with the blessings of ripening the crops. They believe the Sun God to have the ability to control the seasons with his light and warmth, and grant ripening to the crops.

Offering water to Sun God every morning
Some people worship the Sun God every morning by offering him water from a round copper water pot and chanting Surya mantras. It is believed that by doing so, the body is empowered and gets free of any kinds of physical illnesses. This ritual is also believed to bring in the light of the Sun within our lives, thus improving upon our career and profession too.

Worshipping Sun God on Sundays
There are others who worship Lord Surya majorly on Sundays as this is the day that has been reserved to exclusively worship the Sun God. There are a variety of reasons why he is worshipped on this particular day of the week.

Worshipping Lord Surya on Sundays can help improve any kind of horoscope defects and soothe the disturbed and destructive planets. The Sun is the centre of all planets that rule the horoscope of a person. Every planet has a distinct characteristic that can be controlled by the Sun. Therefore, any kind of defects can be minimized by worshipping him. There are many other Pujas that can be performed to get rid of evil effects of planets in one’s horoscope like Mangal Dosh Nivaran, Rahu-Ketu Shanti Puja, etc. that can be performed with the help of professional and experienced Pandits, like those at MakeMyPuja.

As per the Sarva Purana, there is a story that depicts the significance of worshipping Lord Surya on Sundays. It is believed that Indradev asked Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati to install a statue of Eshwara. Lord Shiva advised him to place the statue of Lord Surya instead, as he is the representation of the Trinity – Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh. Since then, the statue of Lord Surya is placed as the Kshetra Paalak or Guardian of the Heavens. Therefore, the Sun God is worshipped on Sundays as a mark of compassion and devotion to the Trinity to seek blessings for the entire week ahead. Worshipping Lord Surya is considered to be equivalent to worshipping different deities together.

On 14th of January every year, the Sun is believed to change its position from Dakshinayana to Uttarayana. This day is thus marked as the most important day for worshipping Lord Surya by people across the nation. If you want to impress Sun God to bless you with strength and positivity in your horoscope, you can also begin worshipping him from this pious and auspicious day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Makar Sankranti – A Day of New Beginnings

‘Makar Sankranti’ – the day of flying kites – is a grand celebration that falls on the 14th of January every year. This day marks the transition of the Sun from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. The sun’s transition is known as ‘Sankranti’ in Sanskrit, from which the festival derives its name. Also, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are known as ‘Dakshinayana’ and ‘Uttarayana’ respectively, which is why the festival is also known as ‘Uttarayan’. This day is solely dedicated to the Sun God in Vedic Puranas as he is regarded as the deity of divinity and wisdom.

Different parts of India celebrate this day differently.

·        Gujarat and other parts of western India participate in the kite flying celebrations.
·        The people of Maharashtra exchange til-laddus and tilguls made of sesame seeds and sugar/jiggery with the thought of forgetting past ill-feelings and conflicts, and instilling sweetness in future relationships.
·        For Andhra Pradesh, this is a four-day festival celebrated as Bhogi, Sankranti, Kanuma and Mukkanuma – each signifying the time to discard the old and welcome the new in life.
·        The people of Uttar Pradesh consider this day as the most auspicious to take a dip in the holy waters of River Ganga.
·        Tamil Nadu celebrates this day as ‘Pongal’ where people worship the Sun God and other deities, and offer special food prepared from rice and pulses cooked together in ghee and milk.
·        Keralites dedicate this day to Lord Ayyappa and worship him at the Sabarimala Temple with complete devotion and enthusiasm.

So, what does this kite flying celebration teach us? Just like the kite flies higher and higher with the wind with no boundaries and no obstacles, it teaches us how to live with new hopes, new dreams and new desires that help us rise high. Just like kite flying, other traditions like exchanging tilguls, dipping in the River Ganga, and the four-day festival of Andhra Pradesh also teach us to let go of the negativity and ill-feelings of the past and welcome new beginnings in life. Also, this day is celebrated as a major harvest festival across India and Nepal. The festival is considered auspicious and sacred as it marks the beginning of the harvest season, thus bringing happiness of yielding crops. Learning from all of these celebrations, you must also make some new beginnings from this day. It may be buying a new home, entering a new home, buying a new vehicle, starting a business, or anything else. So, begin from this auspicious day to have the blessings of the Sun God in your venture. And, whenever you need the assistance of professional Pujaris and Pandits for any kinds of rites and rituals to be performed for your new beginnings, you can approach MakeMyPuja to provide you with knowledgeable, respected and experienced Pandits.

Here are some other interesting facts about Makar Sankranti that you may not have known about before.
·        The day and night on Makar Sankranti are equally long, and the days grow longer after Uttarayana.
·        Kite flying is done during the mornings to soak up the benefits of the sun and wade off any infections or illness caused by the long winter solstice.
·        This day marks the beginning of the ‘Kumbh Mela’ in any of its four allotted states and ‘Sabrimala’ in South India.
·        It is believed that on this day, Lord Surya forgets his anger and visits his son ShaniDev, with whom he doesn’t get along well otherwise.

So, this is the day of both worship and celebrations. It brings new hope, new enthusiasm and new desires for a New Year ahead.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

14th January: The Most Auspicious Date Throughout India

14th January – Do you know how important this date is!? All throughout the country, various states believe this day to be very auspicious, and celebrate it in their own different ways. The main reason for Hindus to have faith in this day is because it marks the beginning of the journey of Lord Surya (Sun God) towards the Northern Hemisphere. As per Hindu mythology, it is only on this day that Lord Surya visits his son Shani Dev for a month. Normally, this father-son duo does not get along well. Therefore, this day also symbolizes a special relationship between father and son.

This is the time of the year when any auspicious work can be started as it symbolizes the beginning of righteousness and the end of negativity. This belief is related with the conviction that it is on this day that Lord Vishnu killed the Asuras and ended their ever increasing terrorism.

Another belief associated with this day is that Bhishma (in Mahabharata) had a boon from his father for Ichha-Mrityu, meaning death on one’s own wish. So, Bhishma kept lying on a bed made of arrows, and on this day he started his journey to Heaven. Thus, it is believed that if someone dies on this day, he is freed from reincarnation.

With so many Hindu beliefs associated with this date, the 14th of January every year is celebrated throughout the country in different ways.

Known as ‘Makar Sankranti’, people in Gujarat are seen to be celebrating this festive day with great enthusiasm and fun by flying kites. Also, there is a custom followed wherein the adult member of the family gifts the younger members. Additionally, Gujarati Pandits grant scholarships to the students of astrology and philosophy for higher education on this day. Therefore, this festival signifies strong relationships between family, caste and community in Gujarat.

The people of Maharashtra exchange til-laddus and tilguls made of sesame seeds and sugar/jaggery. This practice is followed with the underlying thought to forget past ill-feelings and conflicts between people, and to take a pledge to instill sweetness in relationships in the future.

Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu celebrates this day as ‘Pongal’ which is considered as the most significant festival of the state, especially for the farmers. The people here worship their main deity and offer special food prepared from rice and pulses cooked together in ghee and milk. The Sun God is highly worshipped on this day by the people in South India.

Andhra Pradesh
In Andhra Pradesh, this is a four day festival known as ‘Pedda Panduga’. The first day is celebrated as Bhogi, second day as Sankranti, third day as Kanuma, and fourth day as Mukkanuma. All these four day celebrations signify the time to discard the old and welcome the new, thus bringing in more light and sunshine in life.

Uttar Pradesh
Known as ‘Khichiri’ in Uttar Pradesh, it is regarded as the most auspicious day to take a dip in the holy waters of River Ganga. The Magh Mela held at Pragya (Allahabad) for a period of one month inaugurates on this day.

The Keralites dedicate this day to Lord Ayyappa as the Anushthana that is performed by the devotees for 40 days ends on this day. This day is celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Sabarimala Temple.

Now, you understand the importance and significance of this day. So, for any new beginning, mark this day on the calendar. And for any kind of Puja that you want to perform on this day, you can rely upon MakeMyPuja to provide you with the most professional Pandits to help you do the Puja with the correct rituals and ceremonies.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Book Pandits Online For All Your Poojas This Year

The New Year has begun, and it’s time to make new beginnings. This year, make it a habit to have all your personal events, office events and festivals to begin with the blessings of God. Have the most appropriate Puja done on every occasion to seek blessings of the Almighty and help you prosper. Yes, we know that this becomes a troublesome task because in spite of a large number of Pandits found in the country, it becomes difficult to find one for accomplishing your religious tasks. During the peak season, they may be booked. Or when you are able to get one, you aren’t sure if he is a reliable one.

Amidst these problems, comes a savior – MakeMyPuja – where you can easily hire Pandits online with just a few clicks and ensure that you get the most professional, genuine and reliable Pujari to have your ritual done. With an expert panel of tried and tested Pandits, we assist our clients not only to books them online, but we also take complete care of all the services related to the rituals to be performed. Up till now, looking for qualified Pandits was like standing in a long queue to buy a train ticket. But with online Pandit booking, it is like booking a ticket online!

While looking for a Pujari, people don’t know what kinds of questions need to be asked regarding his qualifications. In fact, they even hesitate to ask these questions to the Pujaris they are looking to hire. This is the reason Pandits are misusing their ignorance or regard as a means of making lots of money from them without performing proper rituals. But with MakeMyPuja, every Pandit is qualified, experienced and proficient, who knows what he is doing and will never compromise on the quality and morals of the Puja for any reason whatsoever. We also value your time and money, thus we take every care to get you the right service on time and prove to be very affordable and cost-effective.

We cover a wide range of rituals that include Bhoomi Pujan, Gayatri Puja, Griha Pravesham, Satyanarayan Katha, Car Puja, New Business Puja, Diwali Puja, Dhanteras Puja, Ganpati Puja, Durga Saptashati, Gauri Shankar Puja, Mahashivratri Puja, Janmashthami Puja, Mundan, Namkaran, Birthday, Marriage Anniversary, Mangal Dosh Nivaran, Rahu Ketu Shanti Puja, etc. Along with the Puja, we also provide all the Puja samagri that is required for every particular puja. All you have to arrange for is the prasad and fruits. So, for all your Puja and Vedic needs in 2017, experience a year full of spiritual divinity with MakeMyPuja.