Friday, July 29, 2016

Your Solution To Debts And Money Problems

“Money is life” – This is the mantra of people today! Money today can buy almost everything. Moreover, only the rich have a prestige today. People judge you by your outer appearance; and for creating a grand appearance and in turn a great reputation, you need good amount of money.

But, money does not come only with hard work. Along with that, you need luck too. We see a number of people who spend their life working hard like donkeys carrying a load of bricks on their backs, but at the end they have a mere amount left with them, only enough to feed their family. Have you seen the labour segment in India? Does all their hard work pay off? No! So, now you understand? On the other hand, there are people like Tata & Birla, Ambani and others who are born with a silver spoon! Have you seen them work as hard as a middle class man?

Whether belonging to a low class, middle class or high class, every individual wants more than they have. Everyone believes that it is money that holds power today; and this is the power that each one wants to grab. In fact, when people have a great urge of living lavishly or buying the luxuries of life, but don’t have enough money for it, they also tend to take up money from elsewhere and then end up in debts. And then, to cover up their debt, they borrow more money and the cycle goes on that ultimately leads them to bigger problems!

If you are one of those who are facing such debt issues or if you are looking for any kind of growth in your career that you deserve but, haven’t yet achieved, then you need to find out where the problem lies. It is believed that it is your horoscope that decides your success and growth. If there is any kind of dosh or fault in your horoscope, you will face money problems. So, it is essential to find out where the problem lies as soon as possible and get a remedy for it immediately! For this, you need to approach a professional Pandit who can check for the faults and advice you on how you can eliminate the dosh in your horoscope.

MakeMyPuja is one such platform you can rely upon & where you can get assistance from reputed and proficient Pandits who have been rectifying horoscope problems of people since years and helping them attain satisfaction and success in life, career and relationships. The Pandits at MakeMyPuja will check your horoscope and let you know any kind of puja you need to perform so that all your money issues come to an end, and you earn enough to fulfill all your dreams – big and small!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Are You Facing Marital Problems?

It’s just a week before the purest Shravan month, which is going to begin from 2nd of August this year. And, who doesn’t know the significance of this holy month? We all know that it is the Almighty Lord Shiva who is worshipped throughout the month by offering him water, milk, juices and all sorts of pure offerings. There are many forms of Lord Shiva – power, supremacy, destroyer, anger. But, one other beautiful form of Lord Shiva is the ‘Ardhanarishvara’ where he is depicted to be half male and half female – male being himself and female being his consort Goddess Parvati. These two can never be separated and are always worshipped together by those who are seeking a good life partner.

Speaking of a good life partner, let’s talk about the relationships we see today. Whether love or arranged marriage, both wife and husband are not ready to shed off their ego and compromise with each other. For any reason whatsoever, there are always tiffs and fights between them – may it be regarding their habits, lifestyle, children or parents. These every day arguments eventually lead to disharmony and negativity. As a result, all the love that was found between the two before marriage and in the early years of marriage is lost.

It is also seen that girls and boys have crossed a certain age and are still not able to find a partner. Or even after finding a partner, they observe delay in marriage due to different kinds of obstacles from time to time. Another issue could be not being able to have a child after years of marriage. All these obstacles can negatively affect the mind, which leads to a feeling of uproar within their lives.
All these problems can be resolved by the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati because they are considered as the supreme Deity couples as per Indian scriptures, which is why their blessings are highly beneficial for every couple. This is the reason why boys and girls facing any of the above problems are advised to perform Gauri-Shankar Puja. This puja –

·        Removes obstacles that may be delaying your marriage
·        Helps regain positivity and maintains positive relationships
·        Prevents all sorts of arguments and quarrels in your relationship
·        Brings harmony and peace by eliminating evil energies from your relationship
·        Helps to find the best possible life partners
·        Helps to have children faster

In fact, as per Ramayana, even Mata Sita had performed Gauri-Shankar Puja for being blessed with Lord Rama as her husband. So, if you are facing any such marital problems, you can get in touch with MakeMyPuja to help you organize this puja for eliminating all the possible obstacles in your love/married life.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

What Is The Importance Of The Shravan Month?

Do you know a Hindu who doesn’t know about the holy Shravan month? Certainly not! Every Hindu in the country knows that this month is the purest and holiest of all, when many types of pujas are performed within homes, offices and temples. However, many do not know why this month is so important. We all visit the temple of Lord Shiva every morning during this month to bathe him with holy water and milk but, why do we do so? Is it only because this is the ritual that has been followed since ages? If this is the only reason you do so, then you must pause for a while! Before performing any ritual, it is important that you understand the reason behind it and only then execute the procedures with full faith. For all those who don’t know why you are actually supposed to pray to Lord Shiva during this month, here we are to help you understand.

Why is Lord Shiva worshipped during the Shravan month?
It is believed that when the Samudra Manthan took place, all the Gods and Goddesses came together to churn the deep oceans in order to extract the nectar of immortality. They used the Mandar Parbat as their churning rod and the great snake Vasuki as their churning rope. However, in this elaborate process of churning, Vasuki emitted fumes of poison known as Halahala, which was so poisonous that it could destroy the entire creation. This is when the Gods approached Lord Shiva for protection. In order to save the creation from destruction, Lord Shiva consumed the poison and held it in his neck. This is how his throat turned blue and he got named as ’Neelkantha’. The prayers and offerings given to Lord Shiva in the Shravan month is therefore a way to show respect and pay reverence to him.

Which pujas can be performed during the Shravan month?
Because the entire Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva, all kinds of pujas that please him can be performed during this month. These include Rudrabhishek Puja, Laghu Rudra Puja, Shiv Puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, and Mangala Gauri Puja. All these pujas when performed during this auspicious month can help turn all kinds of negativity into positive forces. You can get rid of all the negative effects of doshas in your kundli and any kind of financial constraints. You can cleanse your mind and soul through these Shiv pujas and infuse a sense of harmony into your life. These pujas will also help you advance in your educational life and career path.

How can the Shravan month help you better your relationships?
You can perform Gauri-Shankar Puja during this holy month if you are looking for harmonious relationships within your family. This puja can help prevent unnecessary fights and arguments; it can protect relationships from anger, greed, lust and selfishness; it can help regain positivity in broken relationships; and it can also bring back your lost love. Girls can perform Gauri-Shankar Puja before marriage in order to have a good husband. The Shravan month begins from 2nd August this year. Book a Puja right away with MakeMyPuja so that you can perform this auspicious puja in the holy month and gain benefits at the earliest!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Puja Services For A New Business At MakeMyPuja

Starting up a business is one of the most important achievements in an individual’s life. The perfect way to begin a new venture is by seeking the blessings of your elderly and the Almighty. Our elders require nothing from us; they selflessly keep blessing us at every point in life. Similarly, even the Almighty needs nothing from us. But, ancient Vedic scriptures have always shown the importance of performing Pujas or Yagnas before any kind of auspicious beginning. This goes for starting a new business too. If you have a perfect puja done before commencing your new venture, you will be attracting good fortune by removing all sorts of obstacles and warding off negative energies.

MakeMyPuja makes it easier for you to get the puja done by bringing to you the most proficient and experienced Pujaris to do the job for you. With just a few clicks, you will have the most auspicious puja done at your place in the right muhurat. All the puja samagri will be arranged and taken care of by the MakeMyPuja Pujaris. You can relax and stay assured that you are going to be getting rid of all the negativities around you that may stop you from succeeding in your work. And, you have to pay only after the puja is over and you are satisfied!

Bhoomi Puja
Bhoomi or the land is the mother of everything that exists on the Earth. Thus, it is very important to seek permission and get blessings from the land before settling or starting a construction there so that you are successful in what you are going to do. Bhoomi Puja when done in the right manner can bring good luck and fortune, and ensures protection and well-being of the people occupying the space by removing all kinds of Vaastu doshas.

New Business Puja
For any kind of new opening, it is important that you worship Lord Ganesha as he is the one who removes all kinds of obstacles. Thus, this puja is done to remove the ‘Dhristi-dosham’ and collecting positive energy around. Other than Lord Ganesha, even Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber are worshipped to bestow good fortune in the business.

Opt for the puja that you want to perform at your workplace, or speak to our professional Pujaris at MakeMyPuja who will guide you perfectly. Book our Pujaris right away and rest assured to have everything done as per the laws of the rituals with no compromise.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Solve All Your Problems With Problem-Solving Pujas at MakeMyPuja

The age of greed, lust, bad karmas, hostility, discontent and intolerance is here. Everyone today has gone impatient and is fighting with their loved ones and family for wealth and prosperity. People are also facing problems in every relationship – couples are getting divorced, brothers are fighting for property issues, there are unnecessary fights and arguments in families due to selfishness. Soon, there will be seen no peace in the world. In all this age of frustration and stress, everyone is looking for peace within themselves. This is where the services of MakeMyPuja come in to solve all these issues with their various pujas performed for different obstacles and difficulties.

Moreover, people who believe and understand ‘kundlis’ are also familiar with ‘kundli dosh’ like Mangal, Rahu and Ketu. Mangal is the grah that brings in discomfort and tension in relationships leading to severe disharmony among spouses – delay in getting married, problems in married life, inability to understand one’s partner, and the chances of becoming a widow. Rahu is the grah that controls the mind and drives it onto an inauspicious track, thus destructing the power of the mind to think in the right way. Ketu controls the body and affects it in the negative way, thus having the person influenced by it falling ill or having some or the other sort of bad health almost all the year round.

If you are affected by any of the above mentioned problems, you may be looking for a way to gain positivity, happiness, peace of mind and harmony in relationships. MakeMyPuja offers special problem solving pujas to help you attain all of this. It specializes in five basic problem solving pujas including –
·        Chandi Path that helps to protect one from all kinds of evil forces and black magic; along with bestowing happiness, peace and success.
·        Gauri Shankar Puja that helps to gain back positivity and also helps to maintain your relationships.
·        Gayatri Hawan that helps to gain enlightenment and greater wisdom by reducing the effect of bad karma.
·        Mangal Dosh Nivaran that helps to reduce the negative effect of Mangal grah, which in turn helps to maintain a happy and successful married life.
·        Rahu Ketu Shanti Puja that helps to ward off all the dangers and evils from one’s life by getting rid of all the inauspicious effects of the Rahu-Ketu grahs.

Now is the time to ward off all the negativity within you and come out as bright, happy and positive as you have always wished to be. Speak to our Panditjis and learn about the problem-solving puja that will bring you great benefits. You can rest assured that you will have the most appropriate services done by our experienced and professional pujaris.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Housewarming Puja Services With MakeMyPuja

The biggest happiness for almost every Indian is when he purchases a house for his family! There is nothing that can beat the happiness of purchasing a house of your own – whether it is with your savings or by taking a loan, it doesn't matter. If this happiness has recently become or is soon to be a part of your life, then you are at the right place. If you are having a new home constructed where you are going to move in soon, you need to have the perfect rituals performed before you initiate to live in it. And for that, you need the perfect services of MakeMyPuja.

Housewarming rites and rituals help in removing unseen entities present within your home before you plan to settle in it. It is believed that every dwelling space is breathing with unseen entities within, and prayers are required to purify the space from any form of negative energy to let positive energy flow in. The housewarming puja is believed to ask the unseen forces to leave, and protective energies are invited to occupy the space. This puja is required to be done by a qualified Pandit because it involves several levels of cleansing.

Traditionally, these rites are performed to bestow good health, peace and prosperity to the owners of the house by worshipping Lord Ganesha. A special prayer is performed to Goddess Lakshmi to ensure peace and prosperity along with wealth and tranquility. The first and foremost thing you need to know is the most auspicious date for settling in. Most of the Indians believe in observing an auspicious date for housewarming because they consider it the second most important thing – a wedding ceremony being the first. The housewarming ceremony is generally done when the sun is in the Uttarayan position or when Guru or Shukra are setting. Moreover, the dates 4,9,14 and Amavasya and Tuesdays are avoided.

You can get in touch with MakeMyPuja to have professional and dedicated Pujaris booked for you, who won’t compromise in any way and will serve you a flawless puja. All you have to do is fill in the form that requires you to enter the puja date and language, and any customizations if needed from your end. We will give you a call if needed and fix your puja immediately. And, you can rest assured that you will have a fruitful 2-3 hours puja at your place for only a mere Rs. 5100 with almost all arrangements done from our side!


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why Choose MakeMyPuja

Those who believe in Karma and Nakshatras trust the fact that a lot can change in their lives through the right pujas and rituals done in the right manner. However, one common pain that all such people face is getting trustworthy and organized Pujaris. Getting pujas done is not easy for both devotees and Pujaris because of some amount of mistrust that has been built up amongst people about the need for certain things.

People have been seeing a lot of malpractices done in this sector. Many of them have been cheated by fraud or disloyal priests. How to trust a Pujari for getting the rituals done in the right manner without any sort of corruption and compromises is one big question in the minds of people today! Fake Pujaris mint money due to people’s ignorance about the subject. People are disheartened because they don’t know who to trust in regard to performing the rituals in the proper manner so that their future is not harmed in any way.

The solution to all this is MakeMyPuja! You can now rest assured to get the best Pandits who can perform effective pujas in your home or office for the betterment of your life, health and profession. People do not exactly know what to look for in a Pujari, and what sort of questions need to be asked to check if he is the perfect one to perform their rituals, which is why fake Pandits are misusing their ignorance as a means of making money. But with MakeMyPuja, you can be sure that you will get in touch with the most proficient and experienced Pujaris to have any kind of puja performed in Bangalore.

MakeMyPuja does not only solve the problem of find a reliable Pujari, it also takes care of all the other essentials. One of the most important elements of performing a puja is to get the right kind of puja samagri. This is a big pain for those who are not well-versed in this field. MakeMyPuja solves this issue by providing you with all the samagri that will be needed for your particular puja. The price that you are required to pay includes the cost of the Pujari and the puja samagri combined. So, you have nothing to do but arrange only for the fruits and prasad. Easy, isn’t it?

So now, just pray the price and relax! For any kind of puja you are looking for – festivals, personal events, company events, problem solving and others – you can get all of them done easily with only a few button clicks! And worry not; there will be no compromise in terms of quality or time of the puja in any case. Moreover, you cannot be cheated because you have to pay the price only after the puja is over. Besides that, you can get a 25% refund if you are not satisfied in any way! So, it’s only about benefits with MakeMyPuja. Therefore, think no more and get in touch to make puja bookings as easy as booking your train and flight tickets online!


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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What Does MakeMyPuja Offer – All Your Questions Answered

Are you looking for an experienced and credible Pujari for getting an important puja performed in your home or office? You definitely don’t want any kind of carelessness in the rituals performed, which could lead to any kind of risk in the future. Lay back and stay relaxed! MakeMyPuja gets you experienced Pujaris who are dedicated towards following the Vedic guidelines for any kind of puja you want to perform in Bangalore. For a better insight into our services & any queries regarding hiring Pujaris online with us, read on and have all your questions answered.

How can you book with us?
You are required to book with us atleast 3 days in advance. However, it would be appreciated if you can book 7 days prior to your event. You have the option of hiring through our website or through call – the choice is yours. But, placing an order over our website would be more convenient. You can receive help in placing the order on our website through our MakeMyPuja representatives who are always at your service.

How do we charge?
Price is one of the main concerns regarding any puja because Pujaris today charge very high amount of fees. Especially during peak seasons, when they are very busy and have lots of people coming to sign up with them for performing their pujas, they start charging high amounts. But, the Pujaris at MakeMyPuja are more dedicated towards performing the rituals in the right way rather than trying to get more money out of you.

The prices we charge from you include the cost of the Pujari and the materials required for the puja. Our prices are very affordable and thus, we do not negotiate in any way even though we value for the money you spend. The good news is that you have to pay the price only after the puja is completed. You may either transfer the amount to our bank account or pay the amount in cash to our MakeMyPuja representative who can come to collect it at your home or office. Even though you are highly satisfied with our services, you are advised only to pay the amount we ask from you. You are recommended not to pay any additional tip to our Pujaris.

Can you purchase the puja materials?
With MakeMyPuja, you are required to arrange only for fruits and sweets for the prasad. All other puja related materials are arranged by us. However, if you wish to purchase the items on your own, you are free to do so but, there will be no deduction in our price. We do not have any particular puja material list. So, if you want to purchase the materials, you may speak to our Pujari a few days before the puja is to take place.

Can you customize a puja?
If you wish to customize a puja as per your preferences, you will be charged an additional amount. For example, if you want an additional small puja along with your main puja, or need an extra Pujari, or you want to start your puja in odd hours, you can select the customization from the the drop down box named “Puja Customization” on our website and follow the steps.

In case of odd circumstances…
Although rare, but there may arise some unforeseen situations. Let’s say for example, if the Pujari would be reaching late, we will inform you about the delay as soon as we come to know of it. If in case the Pujari does not turn up for the puja (which is almost impossible), we do have a backup Pujari at all times. After the puja is done, you will be required to fill up an online feedback form. If your feedback is not satisfactory, we will refund 25% of your amount paid, and will make sure to use your feedback to improve our services.

So don’t think twice about getting a Puja done, is here for a super easy way to arrange a Puja, from the comfort of your seat and a few button clicks.


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Friday, July 1, 2016

Online Puja Booking in Bangalore – Book A Pandit For Home / Office Puja

With internet flooding the digital space by providing all sorts of products like electronics, food, beverages, home décor, medicines and more, even religion has gone online today! Gone are the days when you would have to explore temples to hire a Pandit for performing a puja at your home or office. The good news is that you can now book Pujaris and Pandits easily online! Like every other service that has entered the eCommerce space, hiring Pujaris online has made puja bookings very easy.

Finding a good Pandit for performing a puja religiously is quite a difficult task. But, with MakeMyPuja at your service, you can avail the services of experienced Pujaris for any kind of puja you want to perform in Bangalore. Started by two IIT-IM alumni, MakeMyPuja aims to help you get any kind of puja done in the most efficient and professional manner. Whatever kind of puja you are looking for, whether it is festivals, personal events, company events, problem solving or custom pujas, you can get all your requirements fulfilled with MakeMyPuja. We have a long list of pujas to offer that include Bhoomi Puja, Janamdin Puja, Dhanteras Puja, Laxmi Puja, Chandi Paath, Gauri Shankar Puja, Gayatri Havan, Gruh Pravesam, Janamashtami Puja, Maha Shivratri, Mangal Dosh Nivaran, Marriage Anniversary Puja, Mundan, Namkaran, New Business Puja, Rahu Ketu Shanti Puja and Satyanarayan Katha.

During peak seasons, Pujaris are very busy and have lots of pujas to be done every day, which is why they either reduce the timing of the puja to be performed or increase their rates. But, the Pujaris at MakeMyPuja do not compromise on any of these terms. They are highly dedicated to their work and will never do anything that will hurt your religious sentiments.

What are the advantages of booking a Pandit online with MakeMyPuja?

·        You can book your Pandit online in less than a minute.
·        You can get the most professional, experienced and dedicated Pandits who follow all Vedic guidelines for every kind of puja.
·        You can get your puja done at the most affordable rates in the timeliest manner.
·        With our services available 24x7, you can pre-book a Pandit for any event to avoid last minute issues.

·        You can get perfect guidance from our Pandits right from date fixing till the end of the puja.


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